Dr Ira B. Price offers new treatment options for a group of diseases that includes:
¨ Fibromyalgia ¨ Chronic Fatigue syndrome ¨ Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome ¨ Myofascial Pain Syndrome ¨ Tension and migraine headaches ¨ Temporomandibular disorders, ¨ Irritable Bowel Syndrome ¨ Restless Leg Syndrome ¨ EB virus ¨ And primary dysmenorrheal. Current evidence supports the concept that all of these diseases have many common characteristics and that these illnesses are part of a spectrum or continuum of disorders. This group of diseases is often called Dysregulation Spectrum Syndrome or Central Sensitivity Syndrome and is believed to be due to a dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system as well as neuroendocrine malfunction that also leads to immune dysfunction. There is a relatively new field of research that looks at all the connections and interrelations between the mind, the neuroendocrine and the immune system. This research area is known as psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). Dr Price, using mind/body approaches based on PNI research has developed treatment strategies using a combination of acupuncture and hypnosis that helps treat the entire group of illnesses mentioned above. More information is available in brochures at our office or by contacting Dr. Price. |
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